Founded in 1995, WhirlWind Propellers Corporation provides services to overcome the most difficult engineering design challenges. From CAD modeling to photorealistic rendering, linear / nonlinear static and dynamic finite element analysis to strain-gage / structural testing, WhirlWind Propellers is fully equipped with the knowledge, tools and expertise to find FAST, LOW-COST and ACCURATE engineering solutions.

  1. COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN (CAD) gives engineers the ability to quickly design prototypes and program for machining.

  2. Finite Element Analysis gives the ability to test the designed product in a computer environment, so that the failures on the structure can be estimated and the necessary changes can be done before machining. Depending on the needs, our company provides accurate Linear / Non-Linear Static and Dynamic Finite Element Analysis.

  3. Photorealistic rendering provides high quality, presentation-ready pictures of the designed products without requiring to machine the actual part.

  4. Strain-Gage / Structural Testing is used to ensure the real structure's integrity with the use of strain-gages.


Contact us for your engineering needs.

Ph.(619) 562-3725

1 Propeller Place, Piqua, OH 45356