Airboating in Iraq. It’s easy, Right?
When Faron Floyd from American Airboat Corp. Called and ask if I wanted to go to Iraq and re-assemble some airboats and teach airboat operations, my first thought was; where the hell is any water? As visions of the Rat Patrol sailing accross the sand dunes momentarily wandered through my mind. (I just dated myself) The American Military would do the prcurement for the airboats and the British Military would be my employer. I figured hey, teaching Iraq’s to assemble and operate airboats wouldn’t be much different than what I’ve done here in the States. Right? Well, one would think that’d be the case, unless you throw in something called logistics and a language barrier.. I was really knocked down down a couple of notches on the ol’ “I know what I’m doing” factor when i had to use 2 yes, count em”, two interpreters wore ski masks the entire time we were in class (due to threats made to their lives and the lives of their families if they worked for the british) so i couldn’t even see by their facial expressions if they understood what I was saying before they translated it to the students.. What a fun way to teach…. But I digress……. want MORE??? click here.
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